creativity Versus Creativity, What’s the Difference?
Sometimes I refer to “creativity” in two different ways. At times I use the “little ‘c’ creativity” and in others,...
Welcome to Evidence Of Magazine!
Sometimes I refer to “creativity” in two different ways. At times I use the “little ‘c’ creativity” and in others,...
Ah, May, the month of (depending on where you live!) unfurling and burgeoning life, the height of spring. There is...
Growing Wings In the past months, I have seen a renewed confidence in my abilities involving creative energy. That I...
It is 2020, and I am about to lose control A tale of dealing with uncertainty We are almost at...
Is a collaborative project for and by explorers with a lifetime experience not following linear paths and common guidelines in life and an array of cool disparate interests serving as their North Stars.
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